Implementing analytics and Fault Detection at University of British Columbia (UBC)
Join us for an informative webinar outlining how Blair Antcliffe, Energy Engineer at University of British Columbia shares UBC's journey of their implementation of their analytics platform of choice - of starting slowly, building value along the way and generating buy-in across all levels of the organization. He will describe the various use cases they've found for the platform at UBC, and how FD&D might bring value to your organization in ways you may not have considered

ASHRAE Guideline 36 High Performance Sequence of Operations for HVAC Systems
The session, conducted by Johnson Controls, will cover the guideline which provides uniform sequences of operation for (HVAC) systems that are intended to maximize energy efficiency and performance, provide control stability, and allow for real-time fault detection and diagnostics. Using examples, these sequences and and logic are available in the Facility Explorer product line family, will point to the benefits for Owners, Engineers and Control Contractors