Gain complete visibility and control with Intelligent Water Systems and Solutions
Water leaks can happen anywhere, and at any time, causing significant damage and financial loss to commercial properties. As in energy management, facility managers are prioritizing water efficiency and management. Potentially hidden and undetected, even the smallest 0.5mm leak could lose 20 litres of water every hour. Imagine the damage 20 litres of water leaking every hour for days on end could do to your property if it goes unnoticed?
Water damage is also the most common insurance claim and one of the costliest. Water is behind 95% of claims, far more than fire and theft combined and often exceeds what insurance carriers are willing cover, thus the focus must be on mitigating damage before it becomes an issue. The financial burden of water damage exceeds the obvious initial property damage. Secondary losses include:
- Accidental damage and wear and tear on common areas, stairs, elevators, and other areas caused by restoration contractors.
- Loss of income from temporary closure of some or all your operations.
- Temporary relocation of employees or tenants.
- Productivity loss for employees having to work in new surroundings possibly less suited to their works as well as the risk to the operation. There may also be a significant negative impact on the company’s reputation and brand.

As with other industries, newly developed technologies drive water utilities to adapt their day-to-day operations. Water networks have been a special focus, with new instrumentation options for water production, transmission, distribution, wastewater collection, and consumer endpoints coming to market. Implementing these technologies can improve the efficiency and reliability of water networks, but with myriad options, utilities need guidance on which technologies are most worthwhile and how they should be implemented.
Partnering with brands that include NOWA, Dwyer, Monnit, and Greystone, Yorkland has earned national recognition along with an outstanding reputation for providing services and parts for intelligent water systems, solutions products and solutions.